Tijuana: 'El Mono' betrayed from within
After yesterdays daytime execution of Luis Manuel Toscano, 'El Mono', 4 men have been arrested in connection with the killing. Early investigation lines indicate they were from the same Zona Norte retail drug distribution cell as 'El Mono', it is unclear if they were tienderos themselves, or in upper tier positions.

Their names: Jose Manuel Gutierrez Carranza, 33, Raul Rosas Vega, 38, Salvador Pineda Beltran, 18, and Israel Cornejo Gonzalez, 33. All 4 have criminal histories for drug crimes, and are belived to be part of Mono's Zona Norte cell.
Comments and rumors indicate Mono was displaced and kidnapping and maintaining small tienditas to keep afloat, and had largely been useless and irrelevant as a boss of the Zona Norte, on behalf of CAF or anyone else. It is worth nothing his death comes roughly a month after a body with an icepick through the abdomen, displayed a message stating 'Zona Norte is Cartel Arellano'.
Mono's own people could have taken him out for a number of reasons, contracted to do it, with promises of succeeding him, personal or business disputes, it remains unclear for now. It is likely the detainees will make statements regarding the killing, and on whose behalf they were working.
Also, unknown whether this relates to a 'cleanse' as promised in both the banner in Zona Norte, on March 7th, or the recent ones in Otay, and elsewhere, alluding to a 'New Tijuana Cartel', in allegiance with Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion. The banners directed threats against Sinaloa and their allies, Mono could have been killed for switching sides, or because he wouldn't, or even his own people had enough of his ways.
Sources: AFN Tijuana
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