Subject Matter: Don Carlos, El Montoya, El Artista
Recommendation: See link to article on his assassination
In the primary revision and analysis of the execution of the ex jefe de plaza of La Paz, Don Carlos aka El Artista, Luis Antonio Montoya Beltran, authorities both Federal and Military suggest that he may have been killed due to treachery, among other causes.
Reporter: Zeta Investigations and photos by Cortesia
In the analysis and revision of the assassination of the drug trafficker and plaza boss for La Paz, Baja California Sur, Luis Antonio Montoya Beltran "El Artista", "Don Carlos" or "El Montoya", according to members of the Group for Coordination of Public Security, there are three hypothesis for what occurred on the morning of the fifth of May in the Arboledas de La Paz Colonia.
1. The principal head of the Beltran Leyva/Los Zetas/Mayo alliance was betrayed and was given up to Sicarios from the Sinaloa Cartel from the organization of capo Damaso Lopez Serrano, El Mini Lic.
2. It was the end of the criminal circle of the capo
3. To open the way for the Cartel Jalisco Nuevo Generacion and the Cartel Arellano Felix.
Which ever is the case, the killers could count on at every moment, the protection of agents of the PGJE of Baja California Sur, who can reflect on the attacks of the last few days against official vehicles and the particular houses of experts, agents and commanders of the institution.
All, allegedly linked and related to the execution of the ex head of the organization of "Los Mayitos",
whose attacks leave a possible reason for the homicide.
On the day that he was assassinated, the narco trafficking plaza boss was wearing jeans shorts and deck shoes, he would meet with two agents of the State Ministerial Police.
The he was trapped and assassinated in Calle Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez and Chichen, in the Arbledas de La Paz Colonia, one block from the strategic operations centre, known as the "COE", whose institute specializes in combating narco trafficking; and two blocks further is the offices of the PGJE, where one can find Palemon Alamilla Villeda, and the delegate from the PGR, Ana Luisa Vera Andrade.
According to a report from a specialist, the criminal boss received four shots from a distance of two meters approximately, taking two bullets in the head, and two more in the left side at the top of the ribs.
At the crime scene, according to specialists of the PGJE, they only found one 9mm spent cartridge case, which indicates that the killers fired from a moving vehicle, with the other three shell casings staying inside the killers vehicle.
According to data recovered by Zeta, "Don Carlos" fell with a 9mm pistol in his belt, which he didn't draw as he must have trusted his attackers.
The hypothesis of the crime, was made by Federal authorities and the armed forces, in virtue of the total lack of trust in the PGJE, who could contaminate the investigation, in virtue of the possible suspects linked to the crime who are agents and commanders of the institution; as is the case with the ex sub prosecutor of special investigations, Samgar Salvador Gomez Reves, and the ex chief police dispatcher of the state ministerial police, Bibiano Rigoberto Burgoing Garcia; and the current holder of the same job, Josue Geovanny Zuniga Mendez.
Regarding the crime against the narco trafficker "El Artista", an investigating agent consulted by this magazine said that he was just starting the official investigation into the crime, and admitted that to be vigorous in the new justice system, the process will be complicated, mostly when the weapon used in the killing is tested scientifically to determine who fired the shot against the narco trafficker.
Its worth noting that according to versions of events of some relatives of the deceased, recently Montoya Beltran had been absent from BCS and had been living in Jalisco, because he knew that " some police officers", wanted to kill him on the orders from his enemies, and he had been for several months running his criminal operations from La Paz. (Otis: in many ways he was following in the same manner as Los 28, who's Jefe operates from Tamaulipas).
The Attacks
Around 72 hours after the execution of "El Montoya", on the morning of the 8th of May, two official PGJE vehicles were attacked with Molotov cocktails.
The first event came around 03:20 am, at the house of a PGJE specialist in Calle Peninsular de San Francisco and Calle Peninsular de Portugal in the Peninsular del Sur Fraccionamiento, when a Nissan Sentra, white colored, was found parked in the grounds of the property.
The second took place around five in the morning at the house of the Commander of the State Ministerial Police, Alfredo Aviles in Calles Damiana and Geranios in the Jardines del Sur Fraccionamiento, where a Dodge Ram was parked in a public lot.
The first Molotov attack partially burnt the vehicle, and the second one was destroyed by fire. After the attack, the PGJE announced the opening of two lines of inquiry, about who was responsible for the events, or ordered them.
However, they continue investigating and, four days after, that is to say, the 12th of May, at the close of the edition, the particular house of the ex police chief of dispatch of the Ministerial State Police, Bibiano Rigoberto Burgoing Gracia, was attacked by gunfire around three in the morning in Bahia Campeche and Bahia Banderas #68, in the Paraiso del Sol Fraccionamiento of La Paz.
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Click on image to enlarge, area of concern in red box |
The attackers shot at his living room, three rounds were deflected by the gate in front of the house, some hit the windows and the trunk of a white Honda CRV.
After the third and last attack, the PGJE staged a press conference, where the Palemon Alamilla Villeda, marked out the principal men he trusted:
"In relation to the informative note that appeared in some electronic media at midday today, about an alleged attack against Bibiano Rigoberto Burgoing Garcia, of whom some media refer to as a functionary of the PGJE, this institution clarifies that said person does not work in any of their areas, as he resigned on the 30th of April of this year with impeachable charcter.
Burgoing Garcia, was in charge of Ministerial Police dispatch, from the 1st of March to the 30th of April.
In equal manner and on the same date, Samgar Salvador Gomez Reyes, who served head of the special investigation unit against kidnapping, also gave his resignation with impeachable character.
It is necessary to emphasize that both of these men had been named in narco mantas linked to the Sinaloa Cartel, who according to the texts, sold them the La Paz plaza for 5 million pesos then reneged on the deal.
"Sangar and Viviano have 5 days to deliver the 5 million we paid them to clean the plaza, you treacherous sons of bitches, answer your blackberries you treacherous rats, atte CDS, said the last manta hung on a bridge close to the Plaza Paseos of La Paz.
Original article in Spanish at Zetatijuana
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