Saturday, September 17, 2016

Despite BAN, Los Tigres Del Norte Play NarcoCorridos at the Gov't Palace

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat-RIODOCE Sept 16, 2016
Article by Miriam Ramirez

In Sinaloa, with a dedication to “The Boss", Los Tigres del Norte kicked off the national holiday known as " El Grito ", the 206th  anniversary of the Mexican Independence, with some of their most famous Narcocorridos , this despite the ban that exists in the state against music that glorifies violence.

Just a week ago, the state government denied permission for a presentation by Calibre 50 and Gerardo Ortiz arguing that both groups perform music of the genre of "altered movement" and in Sinaloa there does not exist the conditions under which they could perform.

However, a couple of days later it was announced that Los Tigres del Norte would perform, who are famous for their songs that make tribute to drug traffickers.  In response, Raul Perez Miranda, general Secretary of the government, said that the musicians would respect the agreement.

However, it did not turn out that way.

The night of Sept 15th, the crowd gathered in the main concourse of the Governmental Palace, perhaps  more excited at the prospect of the free concert by the legendary group, than the El Grito itself.

The fireworks ended as Govenor Mario Lopez Valdez made " El Grito " about 11:30 pm and the group famous for their Norteno style music began to play. The concert lasted until 1:30 am.

“We are very excited to be here in our homeland, we will play everything that they want or ask of us ", said the leader of Los Tigres at the beginning of the show.

“Golpes de Corazon" /Beating Heart, "La Puerta Negra" / The Black Door" La Mesa de Rincon "The Table in the Corner” and their latest single "El Atuad "/The Casket,  resounded throughout the public concourse.

They sang the lyrics to" Contraband and Betrayal” and the thousands of Sinaloans gathered sang along with the lyrics of " We left San Isidro and from Tijuana Emilio Varela and Camelia , the Texan, brought the truck with the tires full of weed ."

But it was "The Boss of Bosses", the successful song by Los Tigres that ignited the crowd. Before beginning the song it was expected they would speak of the famous drug trafficker. Los Tigres del Norte announced on the microphone that the song was especially dedicted to “The Boss ".

Sinaloa is among the three most violent states in the country because of the conflicts between the drug cartels as they dispute the production, the trafficking routes and the commerce of drugs. During the six year Administration of Mario Lopez Valdez more than 7000 murders and 2000 missing have been recorded.

Jefe De Jefes Boss of Bosses)
I'm the Boss of Bosses gentlemen,
I respect all levels
And my name and my photograph
Never going to look on paper,
Because my journalist loves me
And if you lose my friendship.
Many chickens just born,
I want to fight with the rooster,
If you could be up to me,
Well, it would take many years
And I will not leave the job,
Where the way I ordered.
My work and courage has cost me,
Handle with many I have,
Many want to climb my height,
Nomas looked to be falling,
They wanted to scratch my crown,
Those who try have been dying.
I sail under water
And also fly to the height
Many believe that the government is looking for me,
Others say it is a lie,
I enjoy nomas from above,
Well, I like that just get confused.
In the accounts takes a rule
From the one to get to the hundred
The man who wants to be right
What is taught to look at their level
But talent does not seek greatness
Because you'll never have.
I'm the Boss of Bosses gentlemen,
And say not by implication,
Many great I ask for favors,
Because they know I'm the best,
Have sought the shade of the tree,

For them not to drive the sun.

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